Our Chapels of Rest

When we’ve moved your loved one into our care, you may wish to visit them in our chapels of rest.

Alternatively we will happily arrange to bring your loved one home to be with you.

This decision is a very personal one, and this is an area where it is difficult for us to advise you. What we will say is that over the years, we’ve seen many people visit the chapels of rest, and even though some have found it upsetting, most take a lot of comfort in seeing their loved one at rest – and are grateful for the opportunity to see them one final time.

Visiting is completely optional – you will not be pressured in any way by our team to do so.

You’re welcome to personalise the chapel of rest by displaying photographs of your loved one or something that was special to them.

Once we have advised you that everything is ready in the chapel you are welcome to visit your loved one at any time during our normal opening hours. Alternatively please call 01295 265424 to arrange a convenient appointment.


When saying goodbye to a loved one, most people prefer them to wear their own clothing.

If you’re unsure what clothing to choose, here are some ideas that we’ve seen over the years:

If personal clothing isn’t the right choice for your loved one, we can provide a choice of robes.

If you’d like to talk about clothing choices for your loved one, please call our team on 01295 265424.